Friday, April 24, 2015

Warzone: Resurection

Way back in the old days of gaming in Palmie North NZ, there was a time where we really turned our backs on the GW games for awhile. The local stockist, now long gone Hall of Heroes got his hands on a huge amount of minis from the Warzone and Chronopia range. The company that made the two systems was kind dead or dying, but largely thanks to some mates such as Mr Mildon the interest was kept up. He had the books as well as copies for our local club M.A.G.E, and we kept on playing.

I built myself up a decent sized Dark Legion, that I also completed painting. When it came time for the big move countries I had to let go a lot of gaming supplies and my Dark Legion was one of them. From memory I think I donated it to the club? I can't be sure now though.

Fast forward 10 years and while at Cancon 2015 in Canberra I was shocked to see Warzone being played as demo games. It turns out the game has been restarted by a company Prodos Games, who also do the Aliens Vs Predator game.

I joined in the demo games with my two oldest boys and it was a serious flash back in time. There were a few additions, but it seemed very much the same game I remembered from Palmie North. What I am really kicking myself for is that it turns out there was a Kick Starter re-release. I missed out but would certainly have backed that.

In great news though my local has started to stock the game, and I was quick to pick up a Dark Legion starter box. If anyone is looking at this I highly recommend Tabletop Empires for all your Warzone, or any other gaming needs.

Yesterday I stopped by and grabbed a box, then rushed home and dived in whilst watching the Chiefs win yet again.

The box and art work is a huge improvement on the old stuff.

I was a little surprised and disappointed in opening the box half expecting the old slide top and foam inside like I remembered  from back in the day. However the new models arn't metal so I guess none of that was needed. Cracking it open I was instantly impressed by the contents. Firstly I looked at the cards included. These are a new addition to the game, and were quite spectacular. They are made of a strong solid card without being thick. They have a nice gloss finish, and more wonderful artwork.
The bases supplied are the nice solid lipped round basses you see in Warmachine and such. They have a slot down the middle, which I found odd as it's not needed at all for the miniatures. A nice touch is the inclusion of two D20 dice to play the game.

The obvious best part of the starter box is of course the minis themselves. The new model design is spectacular, the detail and look really impresses me, and there was very little clean up required. The new miniature designers have taken a big step away from the huge shoulder pads everything had in its last rendition which is great.
The only small criticism I had of the whole box was trying to glue the minis. It may have been my glue, but it was Zaapagap so I doubt it. I think it may have been the plastic, it took a lot to get a bond. I even had to resort to pinning infantry models.

So as you can see from the pic, in the Dark Legion starter box you get two squads of undead legioneers, two Necromutant Squad Leaders for them and one Razide for heavy support. With everything else that's great value for $70. I've worked out that this is around 250pts. At some stage, i'll expand it by adding in a character but no rush, there's plenty of painting to be done with what I have.

Why do I like Warzone?

Well it's a sci-fi skirmish level game, but where Necromunda or Infinity is about each individual, Warzone still is based in units. It's probably closer in similarities scale and play wise to Warmachine.
It has more inbuilt details game wise than 40k, but without the overly complicated systems of Infinity. Although unit based each model within the unit can act individually and doesn't have to copy what the guy next to him does ie: 40k. It is great skirmish level but if you want you can play bigger games with ease. And I really enjoy games with alternating activation's, and off turn reactions. No sitting around while your opponent has their whole turn.

It's simple, cheap to get into and great fun. 
I plan on picking up a second starter, probably imperials and get some battle reports done introducing the game to new people so stay tuned.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

GronkCon II in July

Preparations are underway for our next group tournament experience.
This time we are heading to GronkCon, a warhammer fantasy tournament held in Wollongong NSW.

Gronk is on the 4th and 5th of July, the player pack can be found here.
Now I havn't been to Gronk before obviously, it'll be my second warhammer tournament after Sydney Slaughter, but all the reports I have heard have said this is a massive highlight on the event scene. The players pack seems to back this up.

GronkCon appears to be a warhammer event with quite a difference. It heavily encourages non optimal builds, rewarding them as such. It is a chance to try that army combo that you know is dumb but just wanted to run it for a laugh anyway.
The event is won by the person with the most points at the end. While you do win some points for beating your opponent in games, you actually gain more points in list writing, things that happen during games, fluff, hobby, shouting the TO a beer etc etc. You also can loose points for things like refusing a challenge or trying to 6 dice a spell.

All up it reads for a hilarious weekend and something very different from the normal competitive scene. The list of achievement points can be found here.


So a new event means new army prep. You earn points at Gronk for taking an army you havn't taken to a tournament before. This seemed an easy point to pick up, so despite loving using chaos for the first time at Slaughter, I've put them on the shelf and picking up Empire.

I've tried to create a 'Gronky' empire list, which mostly has been restricted by what models I actually have, using some things I have but have never used before and creating a list of wimpy humans who can still hold up and give my opponent more than a two turn game. My list is certainly non-optimal for the empire net lists etc, but possibly not quite is gronky as I would hope. I figure this is balanced out by the fact its only empire, we suck anyway. I wanted to try leave out a BSB and earn another easy tournament point, however I couldn't justify it. Fluff wise the BSB is the good old paymaster or the accountant of the army. My guys are all mercenaries, they fight for gold, hence the banners replaced with gold chests.

I'm happy with the progress I have made on painting the army so far. My characters bar my general are done as are a big chunk of the units. All I have left to paint is some crossbowmen, a halberd detachment, some pistoliers, huntsmen and one artillery piece. That's just five small units and a character, should be done in plenty of time. Oh and of course I have to model/paint something to be my Fozrik's Folding Fortress.

30 Swordsmen with full command. Look at all that shinny gold.

 An Greatcannon aint that great for an Ogre.

 The Accountant, a Priest and their mate the engineer.

My two Wizard Lords, hanging out. My stick is bigger than yours.

In case you havn't had enough reading yet, here is the fluff of the White Lions of Eto-Prelensya.

The highly wealthy trading town of Eto-Prelensya sits on the shores of the Gulf of Kislev, and situated directly upon the border between Ostland and Nordland. Eto-Prelensya was originally settled as two separate villages Eto of Nordland and Prelensya of Ostland each using the port inlet and the vicinity to the other as a means to facilitate trade between the realms.

Over time as the villages each grew, and family’s from each side of the boarder began to unite through marriage and birth, the realm’s boundary became little more than a memory, and the villages united to become a large and wealthy trading town of the north.

Time passed for the families and citizens of Eto-Prelensya with little involvement in the political woes of the Empire, their isolation from the large cities and self dependence and wealth allowed them to live with a certain amount of freedom. However as time passed Eto-Prelensya became a pawn in the political game between the Elector Counts of Nordland and Ostland. A town had developed that neither Lord could claim as entirely his own. Arguments between the courts arose over the border line, should it move East taking Eto-Prelensya wholly into the Nordland Realm, or West to become Ostland’s.

The people of Eto-Prelensya struggled with the political attention they suddenly had thrust upon them, and all argued that no change would be accepted. They had lived as both citizens of Ostland and Nordland for generation’s. The Elector Counts each decreed that they would have no more discussion, and if the people of Eto-Prelensya would not agree, then they would be forced to accept becoming one realm. The forces of Nordland and Ostland were dispatched, and war between the two realms was set to take place with the rights to Eto-Prelensya the prize.

Being as stubborn as any northerner can be the people of Eto-Prelensya seeing two warring nations approaching set about fortifying the town. Roads that once lead through open rolling plains became cominated by large defensive fortifications.

The wealth of the trading council, a city governing body made of the head trading houses behind them, Eto-Prelensya hired warriors from all parts of the old world.
Great warriors from the frozen north were hired in droves to form elite town guards. Militia from the streets of Marienburg and any other realm of the empire were welcomed within the walls. The often ridiculed Halfling’s were paid the same as a human soldier and provided ample opportunity to use their unique skills.

Months of war rolled into a year and then a second as the forces of Ostland and Nordland lay siege to Eto-Prelensya and each other. Neither realm had the ability to stop ships and trade entering into Eto-Prelensya. Captains of the Kislev Gulf, many of whom had family within the walls all displayed more loyalty to Eto-Prelensya than either rival nation. Unable to halt shipments a traditional siege seemed endless.

As the second year of conflict neared it’s third and under the glow of the two tailed comet returned, the Ostland army to the east of Eto-Prelensya was attacked in the night. As the soldiers slept in their tent’s their guards were overrun by tribal Norsemen crossing the Gulf from the Northern Wastes.

The Nordland Army was simultaneously attacked by feral bestial creatures, hoofed animals who walked like men poured from the forests to the south overrunning the camp quickly. It was the forces of Eto-Prelensya who turned the tide on each front. The gates were opened and the crumbling forces from each nation were welcomed within the walls. The forces of Eto-Prelensya hit back at the two true enemy forces.

As the realm’s armies re grouped and messages were sent through the lines to each Elector Count, the war that later became known as “The War of Eto-Prelensya independence” began. Not with the conflicting realms but this time against the enemy of humanity, Chaos.

With reinforcements from Nordland and Ostland, the empire was able to turn back the tide of chaos, sending the attacking armies back. Driving the beastsmen into the woods and the Norse into the waters of the gulf. As the war came to an end there was still no settlement over ownership of Eto-Prelensya. No agreement was ever likely causing the Emperor Karl Franz himself to enter into the political Fray. With the heroic actions of Eto-Prelensya saving both armies of Nordland and Ostland at the start of the war it was decreed that the people of Eto-Prelensya shall choose their future for themselves.

A quick decision was reached by the council of trade decreeing that Eto-Prelensya will now and forever be an independent trading town of the empire showing direct loyalty to both Ostland and Nordland.

To this day Eto-Prelensya is a safe haven for any person willing to work to earn. The town continues to hold a large and formidable military force superbly funded and resourced by the trading council. It carries on a well earned reputation as being home to the mightiest mercenary force known to man.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

New Minis cases from GW

It's not often I go to the GW website, and less often I go into an actual store.
Stopped by the website today and saw they have new figure carry cases for sale. This was news to me, hadn't seen it mentioned on forums or FB at all.

My initial thoughts looking at the few photos posted on the GW website didn't impress me much.
Looking a bit further however, and finding a video preview on YouTube I have to change my mind. 

This is quite different to what has very much been a standard across all hobby transport systems for a long time. The ability for the rows to push and fold out of the way is quite excellent. No more cutting large holes in the foam trays to fit a vehicle though multiple levels.
I approve. Shame about the price, but thats more GW standard.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Trials for Gronkcon

Hello there,

                  My name is James, I'm a long term fantasy player who, thanks to the Western Warriors, has finally been introduced to the tournament world. My first tournament was The Sydney Slaughter using my Undead Legions list.
I am here today to talk about Gronkcon,

For this tournament i have decided to use my skaven force.
and have had a trial game with a wood-elf army with only dryads, tree kin, tree men, and giant eagles.
whilst this is not my final list for the tournament (lots of tweeking to be done)this was my list

New Roster (2699pts)

Skaven - Army Book (2013-4) -V8.7.7. (Standard) (2699pts)

  • (No Category) (272pts)

    • Giant Rats (272pts)

      33x Giant Rats, Packmaster, Packmaster, Packmaster, Packmaster
      • Packmaster

        • Packmaster Skweel Gnawtooth

          AB - Warp-lash
      • Packmaster

        Master Moulder
  • Lords (1013pts)

    • Queek Headtaker (215pts)

      AB - Dwarf Gouger, AB - Warp-shard Armour
    • Ratstail the Dread - Grey Seer (540pts)

      Screaming Bell, Warpstone Tokens (FAQ'ed)
      • Magic Items and Scavenge-pile items

        BRB - Fozzirik's Folding Fortress
      • Wizard Level 4

        Skaven Spells of Ruin and/or Plague
    • Squeak The Flesheater - Warlord (258pts)

      Rat Ogre Bonebreaker, Shield
      • Magic Items and Scavenge-pile items

        AB - Blade of Corruption (FAQ'ed), BRB - Obsidian Lodestone, BRB - Potion of Speed, Poisoned Attacks (FAQ'ed)
  • Heroes (65pts)

    • Getafix the Potion Brewer - Warlock Engineer (65pts)

      • Magic Items and Scavenge-pile items

        AB - Skavenbrew (FAQ'ed)
  • Core (682pts)

    • Pushers of the Bell - Clanrats (145pts)

      Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
      • 25x Clanrats

        25x Shields, 25x Spears
    • Queek's Stormvermin (493pts)

      Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer
      • 39x Stormvermin

        39x Shields
    • Underclaw slaves - Skavenslaves (44pts)

      Champion, 20x Skavenslaves
  • Special (192pts)

    • Gutter Runners (192pts)

      Champion, Hand Weapon + Snare-net
      • 10x Gutter Runners

        10x Poisoned Attacks, 10x Slings
  • Rare (475pts)

    • BIGBADABOOM - Warp Lightning Cannon (90pts)

    • Fluffy - Hell Pit Abomination (235pts)

    • ZZZZZAPPP-a-GAP - Doomwheel (150pts)

The scenario we played was Dawn Attack, with the table quarters giving 2 victory pts per quarter 10 pts if the whole table is controlled by one player.
after a sum-what unfavoured deployment, i was able to steal the initiative and take the first turn (sneaky vermin)
with a solid march of my hordes and Fluffy getting right across the table I was pretty happy with my advancements,
in the magic phase i rolled a solid 8 power-dice(6+2) yet the trees managed to tame some of the winds of magic and successfully channelled one extra dice giving them a nasty 7 dispell-dice 
Casting howling warp-gale with my grey-seer stopped the giant eagle from getting behind me on turn 1 as the spell was ignored by the tree-folk,
followed up by a warp lightning into the farthest eagle causing 2 wounds, however thanks to the toad branch (Sivejir's Hex Scroll witch they are allowed to have in this tournament) my wizard was turned into a toad!!!!!!


Shooting was next and thanks to my warp lightning cannon i was able to kill 5 dryads and a whole tree-man in a strength 6 shot(d6 wounds). witch put me into a rather good mood for my turn 1.

The tree-men retaliated charging my hell-pit with the tree-kin but alas only got 13 attacks and 2 wounds thanks to Fluffy's Regen :) and lost 6 wounds to the hell-pit, holding on there stubborn 10 Ld, in his magic phase with the only 4 dice in his pool he cast the Dwellers Below with irresistible force killing only 5 clan-rats,but my wizard being a toad had no hope to survive and perished to the spell.

In my turn 2 (and all other turns after) I forgot to roll for my gutter-runners, but I have learnt that lesson now!
charging the still engaged tree-kin with my bell unit in the flank I felt victory was all but assured, My warlord issued a challenge and was answered by the unit champion, only to be cut down by my warlord breaking the unit. however i was unable to catch them as they fled through a building and tree-man and ended up one inch on the other side .



 With a successful charge by Queeks Storm-vermin and Gnawtooths Giant-rats i was feeling rather solidly about a victory.
Queeks unit having drunk the potion and received Rabid result were fighting with +2 attacks slaying a lot of the dyads till they Broke and fled only to be cut down by the fast rat-men who over ran into the horde behind.Who broke in the following turn on a test getting 11 when they were stubborn 10, much to my opponents dismay. Queeks Storm-vermin were unable to catch them but charged them in there turn forcing the unit to flee off the board. giving me a table quarter

Gnawtooths rats were not as fortunate only rolling +1 attack on there mutations they did not have the holding power i wanted and they flead to there deaths as the treekin stomped them flat overrunning to my deployment zone giving him a table quarter.

After 5 turns we called it quits all together deciding on a draw, with 2 Tournament points each and loads of ideas on gow to make my list work better.

hope you have enjoyed my first addition to Garagehammers blogs
